Misty (Mom) & Mackenzie C.
Mackenzie just shot a new commercial for Primavera and they took some still shots for their marketing campaign. Last Saturday, Mackenzie auditioned for the American Academy of Dramatic Arts (LA Campus). The professor who auditioned her came out and spoke with me and Ward and was, well, a little in awe and actually compared Mackenzie to a young Meryl Stree.He said in 17 years of auditioning kids, he never had cold chills in an audition until that day. They auditioned 2200 kids for 150 spots in LA and 150 spots in NY. Four business days later, she was accepted and given a significant scholarship.
She is waiting to hear from her top 2 choices (Chapman and USC) but knows for sure that she will be in LA receiving great instruction one way or the other and progressing forward on her career path.
How do I even begin to thank Barbizon, IMTA and EVERYONE at SWMT? To see her realize what she wants and working hard for it while staying true to herself is anything a parent could ask. And it all began with someone other than her parents telling her that her red hair, freckles and blue eyes were awesome, unique and beautiful, and that with hard work, anything is possible! :)

Logan Torres
Growing up as a daddy's girl who hunted, fished, and camped with the boys, it was a surprising adventure when I decided I wanted to dive into the modeling world. By the time I was 11 years old, I had watched America's Next Top Model so much I could quote most lines in any episode. I had practiced posing in the mirror in my room, attempted(semi-unsuccessfully) to wax my eyebrows, and waltzed around the house in high heels until my feet hurt.
My first major attempt to do anything modeling oriented was my first "big girl" pageant when I was 13 which led to huge disappointment but a drive to work harder. I won my first state title as Miss Colorado High School America 2012 and went on to represent Colorado at Miss High School America nationals in San Antonio, Texas. The experience of being a state title holder and the exposure it gave me catapulted both my confidence and my modeling career.
Not long after handing down my title I went to a casting call for Southwest Model and Talent Agency, and was so excited to have been asked to sign with them. The program of classes taught me so many valuable lessons about the modeling world that I continue to use almost every day, even when I'm not on the job. They really polished me up and got me ready to continue to pursue my dreams of modeling.
I had hardly graduated from the classes program before I was receiving consistent paying work. I can't believe that at 11 years old I wanted to be a model, and at 20 years old I have enjoyed every second of modeling adventures and blessings that far exceeded my dreams.

Zella Christenson
I just wanted to tell you that tonight I walked for Saint Laurent on exclusive in Paris!! It was absolutely the most amazing experience. I cannot believe how far I have come since being at SWMT, but even tonight backstage in the line-up, I went through my checklist that I learned at SWMT: model stance, posture, lead with the hips, cross, and be confident. I do it at every single show.
I am so thankful for everyone who has helped me along this journey and I am so happy that my journey started with SWMT. I love you all so so so much and I am so blessed to have worked with such incredible people from the very beginning. Lots of love, always, Zella.